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Study Anthropology Abroad

Put simply, anthropology is the study of humans, their behaviors, and the culture and societies that are constructed around them. However, once you begin your anthropology degree, you will see that there is nothing simple about the complex ways in which humans behave and interact around the world.

Due to the global nature of the field, it’s a great idea to study anthropology abroad and get the most out of your education! It’s a great way to make new friends, immerse into a new culture, learn a new language, and expand your professional network.

Anthropology degrees exist around the world to instruct students on the ways in which to conduct research, write academic articles, and think both critically and creatively. Students who enjoy interacting with different cultures, reading complicated theoretical texts, and viewing the world with an open mind will love the studying anthropology.

Best Anthropology Degrees

The best anthropology schools will challenge students to look at the world around them from an entirely different perspective. You will even be asked to reflect on your own upbringing and culture and analyze the effects this has had on your own worldview. It may sound easy, but you will be surprised by how different your life is in comparison to others.

However, it’s not all different! The best anthropology degrees will also open your eyes to how, no matter where you are in the world, humans share a lot in common. Therefore, by the end of your studies, you will have a deep understanding and appreciation for what makes us human.

Anthropology student abroad.

Careers in Anthropology

Your future anthropology career depends a lot on which field of anthropology you choose to study. The good news is that you can pursue your interests and passions in the direction that suits you best.

Many anthropology students find jobs as the following:

  • Archaeologist
  • Corporate researcher
  • Cultural resource specialist
  • Ethnographer
  • Lecturer
  • Research analyst
  • User experience researcher

In general, an anthropology degree will prepare graduates with the skills employers are looking to add to their work force, including excellent communication, writing, and research skills. Study abroad experience can also boost any resume or CV, so whether you chose to study anthropology abroad in Denmark, England, or the Netherlands, employers will be impressed by your willingness to accept a challenge.

Prerequisites for a Degree in Anthropology

The best anthropology schools will often require that prospective students have demonstrated they have previously performed well in their classes, especially classes focused on the humanities, including history and psychology. Both undergraduate and graduate students will have to provide a copy of their academic transcripts, along with any standardized test results.

International students will also have to prove their English proficiency, as many anthropology degrees are conducted entirely in English. An essay will also most likely be required to complete your application.


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