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Chemical engineering incorporates the study of chemical reactions and the processes that are used to create and transform materials and/or products that are used in daily life. A chemical engineering degree program incorporates methods of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology, leading those in the field with extensive knowledge of chemicals, raw materials, food, and drugs that go into products that can be used in a variety of ways.

What can you do with a chemical engineering degree?

A career in chemical engineering involves the development and production of various products and specialty chemicals. This may include materials used for environmental, military, space, or electronic applications such as pharmaceuticals, adhesives, ultra-strong fibers, and prosthetics.The position of a chemical engineer can be considered that of a ’universal engineer’ because chemical engineering is such a broad scientific and technical field. This occupation involves planning and operating facilities, and inventing new, more efficient processes. The work of a chemical engineer can also involve devising ways to convert one material into another, more useful form, or to make products from raw materials – much like the role of a material engineer.

Potential careers in chemical engineering may include but are not limited to the following:

Materials Engineer

Quality Manager

Production Manager

Analytical Chemist

Environmental Engineer

Manufacturing Engineer


Prerequisites for enrolling in a chemical engineering degree program differ upon level of studies and the course provider. For many bachelor’s level courses, a designated requirement of mathematics and science skill may be applicable as well as a language requirement depending on the language of course instruction.

Master’s degree level  courses and/or higher levels of education will have more extensive prerequisites that may include a requirement of a completed bachelor’s degree in a designated field of study. Be sure to check all prerequisites with the university or course provider you hope to apply to prior to submitting your application.

test tube

What will you learn  in a chemical engineering degree program abroad?

With a mixture of mathematics, physics, and more, chemical engineering degree programs are able to incorporate a substantial amount into their coursework, as well as a great deal of hands-on experience working with a variety of materials and subjects so as to prepare one for an extensive career. Three physical laws provide the basis for chemical engineering:

  • Conservation of momentum
  • Conservation of mass
  • Conservation of energy

The development of paper, foods, plastics and fertilizers, as well as developments in microelectronics, environmental solutions, biotechnology, and medicine can be attributed to chemical engineering. Chemical engineering significantly evolved over the last several decades; however, the core education curriculum has remained primarily the same, with a heavy focus on chemistry, math, physics, engineering, environmental sciences, and materials.

Educational courses in materials engineering concentrate on the study of what things are made out of, whether plastic, cotton, etc. Math and science are used to study metals, ceramics, polymers (glass,plastic, rubber), or other materials. Technology is steadily evolving and aiding in ongoing research in chemical engineering, and will continue to contribute greatly towards the development of chemical engineering degree programs for decades.

Or perhaps you’re more interested in a similar field of study:

Mechanical Engineering

Environmental Engineering

Aerospace Engineering

Biomedical Engineering


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