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Studying in Denmark will allow you to experience the thriving cities and beautiful landscapes of one of the most economically developed, socially liberal and environmentally conscious countries in the world. The Danish people are happy, tolerant and possess an unconventional outlook on life which is reflected in everything from their knack for interior design to their lifestyle – the concept of ‘hygge’ (coziness) is held very dear. Studying in Denmark also means access to the country’s cutting-edge programs and innovative teaching methods that rely on partnerships between educational institutions and business markets. The appeal for the 18,000 international students per year opting to study in Denmark is obvious!

Education System

Higher study in Denmark follows the Bologna agreement, meaning that study is divided into Bachelor’s (undergraduate), Master’s and PhD (postgraduate) qualifications. Denmark further differentiates between degrees, offering a pre-Bachelor’s Academy Profession degree, a Professional Bachelor’s, standard Bachelor’s courses (divided into multi-discipline and the arts), as well as a preparatory pre-Master’s course known as a Diploma degree, and standard Master’s and PhD programs.

Student Visas

EU citizens studying in Denmark can live and work without restriction for up to three months, after which time they will need to get a Danish registration certificate from the Statsforvaltningen. International students staying in Denmark for less than three months will need to do so on a tourist visa, which can be applied for at the Danish consulate in your home country. For those staying for longer than three months a residence permit is required, which is then valid for the whole duration of stay.

Housing & Living Costs

Living costs in Denmark are slightly more expensive than the European average, however there are of course ways to save on housing and living costs while studying in Denmark. Student halls of residence cost between 240 and 460 EUR p/month, and should be applied for through centralized services KKIK or CIU. Most universities own their own accommodation for students to rent, which are managed and maintained by the individual institution. Alternatively, students have the option to privately rent a room or apartment.

Tuition Fees

Students from within the EU/EEA do not pay tuition fees to study in Denmark. Those with permanent residency or who have a parent with permanent residency also do not have to pay fees. International students can pay anything from 6,000 to 16,000 EUR depending on level of study, subject matter and institution. In general, qualifications in areas like the social sciences will be cheaper, whilst occupational degrees will be more expensive, however the average in Denmark is between 12,000 and 15,000 EUR per year.

Language & Culture

Danes are generally liberal and egalitarian – they do not mind paying slightly higher taxes in order to maintain a welfare system that helps the many. Danish is the predominant language in Denmark, however the vast majority of residents also speak English. It is still a good idea to learn some of the language while studying in Denmark, however, and there is even a government run scheme which provides free Danish classes at public language schools.

University Entry Requirements

For both undergraduate and postgraduate courses you will require proof of prior academic qualifications which will need to be in some way comparable to Danish qualifications. Students may also have to prove their proficiency in the language that they have chosen to study in, i.e. Danish or English. Applications for undergraduates must be submitted to the national admission website, while postgraduate applications go to the individual institutions.


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