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Egypt offers a unique experience of the very very old amidst the very very new. Here you live in a modern world surrounded by the temples and monuments of one of the first organized civilizations on our planet

If you choose to study in Egypt, be prepared that the country offers rewards as well as challenges. If your home is the Western world, you will enter a society with very different cultural and religious norms and values. The cultural understanding you gain will make you an infinitely valuable resource in the future. You will have the potential to become an integral part in the necessary cross cultural communications both within and without the Middle East.  

Beyond this major benefit to your future, studying in Egypt naturally means entering a very inviting environment. Depending on where you choose to study, you will be living in the midst of ancient monuments in Cairo, within walking distance of some of ancient Lighthouse in Alexandria or on the beaches of the Mediterranean.  

Higher Education in Egypt

Egypt offers plenty of both public and private higher education options. Many foreign universities have or are looking to establish institutions in Egypt. As well, the public arena offers not only universities, but also a wide variety of non-university training especially within the area of technology.

As much as 99% of Egyptian students are enrolled in public institutions. This is largely due to that education at public institutions is free for Egyptian nationals. Many of these are also enrolled in non-university tertiary education at one of the 47 Middle Technical Institutes (MTI) offering 2-year programs and 4 which are 4-5-year higher technical institutes (HTI).

The foreign universities, which have established themselves within the Egyptian higher education system often offer a wide range of education taught in English. Some, such as the long established American University in Cairo also offer courses taught in Arabic, making their teaching available to an even wider audience.

Tuition Fees in Egypt

Public higher education is free for all Egyptian students. Foreign students however pay full fees of up to £1,500 per year. Private universities charge far higher tuition, determined by each individual school.

Language of Instruction in Egypt

The language of teaching within most Egyptian universities, is naturally Arabic, as this is the major language of the area. As mentioned however, teaching in English is widely available at private institutions as well as language courses for those interested in learning one of the major languages in the world today.


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