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Learning new languages has become a transformative experience for many, regardless if you go abroad to immerse yourself in a new culture or if you simply want to enhance your skills in another language while remaining in your home country. Italian is a language that is rich in history, arts, and culture - making it a vibrant learning experience and skill. Italian language programs are a great option for those who need to start or expand their knowledge of the language to further themselves in studies or career opportunities, seeing as though many programs provide a range of fluency levels and instruction. Italian is a language that has travelled far and wide throughout history, making it one of the most well-known languages across the globe. Studying italian is not merely a task of pronunciation, but also a chance to learn more from others about a way of life that inspired works of art, favorite food dishes, and much more.

What can you do with studying italian abroad?

Enrolling in an italian language program abroad is one of the most extraordinary experiences you can partake in. For those who picture themselves living in Italy, studying italian is extremely beneficial in order to gain more accessibility both professionally as well as personally. Italian is also extremely useful outside of Italy, more so if your profession leads you to be connected with business endeavours in Italy and/or in connection with Italian speakers abroad. Some of the most obvious career opportunities for those who have or are planning on studying italian are being a translator and/or language teacher in formal education settings.

Potential careers through taking an italian language program may include but are not limited to the following:


Language Instructor Abroad



The prerequisites for studying italian differ between skill level and possibly the location of study, so be sure to check with your intended course provider. Studying italian abroad may be through a larger degree program that has more extensive prerequisites, but all is dependent upon the university.

What will you learn while studying italian?

Studying italian as a foreign language is not simply learning how to read, write and speak a language, but rather to learn more about a vast history of art, food, culture and history that has cultivated and transformed others over centuries. If you have the opportunity to study italian abroad and immerse yourself in the culture and be surrounded by those who live and breathe the language, you are much more likely to have a greater experience in understanding the foundation of the language. Many who take an italian language program abroad are also able to learn more about art history, seeing as though many periods of influence came from Italy throughout history and has continued to spawn incredible works and artists. Food and culture is also a tremendous attribute alongside studying italian, and not just so you can order off of a menu! Food and drink has served as culture reference for many places around the world, but in Italy, food has also travelled far and wide across borders to share the italian culture, language, and traditions.

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