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Marine science (also known as oceanography) is the exploration and scientific study of the ocean and its inhabitants. The entire field of marine science encompasses elements of biology, chemistry, physics, geology, oceanography, and other sciences. An immense amount of regions and bodies of water are included in marine sciences, but a study abroad course in a marine science degree allows for a much larger understanding and potential experience with multiple environments and marine life.

What can I do with a marine science degree?

Careers in marine science vary and differ in their specifications as well as their particular involvement in various regions. Those with a passion for aiding the environment, researching and understanding methods of biology, chemistry, mathematics, oceanography, and other sciences have the potential to go quite far in their career paths. While careers do differ greatly in the specialization of the marine sciences field, many are able to take their passions for aiding the environment and do substantial amounts of good in any role. The interaction with marine life also varies by career and region of involvement, but many individuals in the marine sciences field are also able to travel and explore multiple ecosystems and marine life in different parts of the world. By choosing to study a degree in marine sciences abroad, you are able to expose yourself to a multitude of opportunities and career influences all over the world.

Some of the most notable or sought after roles in marine science are listed but not limited to:

  • Marine Biologist
  • Aquatic Veterinarian
  • Marine Environment Educator
  • Marine Environment Economist

Prerequisites for studying marine science abroad

Prerequisites for studying a marine science degree abroad varies by degree level and the university/ institute of education that you wish to study at. A bachelor’s degree in marine science may only require a level of general education that is equivalent to a high school/year 12 degree.

master’s degree in marine sciences will have more extensive prerequisites for potential students, but be sure to check with your desired course administrator/ program guide.

What will I learn studying marine science abroad?

The potential topics covered and experiences you may have when studying marine science abroad are vast and unbelievable. Many who study abroad are already given more options to influence of new environments and culture, but those who study marine sciences are also able to take in a completely different view of a new region through the lense of the ocean or regions of native waters. Marine life and native inhabitants transform throughout the world and while studying abroad, your opportunities for real life encounters and understanding of certain regional life is expansive. Many marine science degrees include a foundational understanding of certain topics, but may also differ in specialization.

Topics of courses may include but are not limited to the following:

  • Regional Studies
  • Marine Ecosystems
  • Climate Research
  • Environmental Conservation
  • Commercial and Sport Fisheries
  • Plant Sciences
  • Earth Sciences

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