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Maritime studies encompass the knowledge and issues that have occurred throughout history as well as what is currently needed to increase efficient relations between our world’s waterways and human use. Maritime studies are most notably associated with efforts of naval and marine involvement, but can also be incorporated in a variety of measures such as transport, environmental efforts, marine life, and human interactions. Many who choose to further their higher education through maritime studies often times find that they’re able to bring about great influence through a greater understanding of the human/water relationship and how the future of our oceans/interactions will come to evolve.

What can you do with a degree in maritime studies?

Those who choose maritime studies in their higher education are exposed to a large amount of prosperous career options. Many career options for marine studies graduates range in specialization and location, with options across the globe. Maritime studies also leads towards a large influence in growing industries such as shipping, public safety, and journalism. Career options for those with degrees in maritime studies also differ in their location, seeing as though many bodies of water contain a multitude of access points, marine life and exposure to human interactions, One is also eligible to work for different size organizations and either private or public entities dependent on the industry.

Careers in maritime studies may include but are not limited to the following:

  • Maritime Journalist
  • Marine Engineer
  • Marine Architect
  • Harbor/Port Manager
  • Coast Guard Officer
  • Marine Resource Manager

What are the prerequisites for studying maritime studies abroad?

Prerequisites for maritime studies degrees will vary by course/program level, as well as by university or institute of education. Many programs may simply require a specified level of education such as grade 12 or secondary education completion, while higher courses and programs such as masters courses in marine studies will require a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field of study. A specialization in master’s level programs may also include more extensive requirements prior to your application, so be sure to always check with the course provider on the exact prerequisites needed.

What will I learn studying maritime studies abroad?

Maritime studies has been able to include a broad scope of education subjects such as history, geography, economics, politics, and anthropology. History is a core subject of maritime studies seeing as though there are millions of years of links between human and water interaction both with positive and negative outcomes and effects. At its core, maritime studies seeks to explore human interaction and activity with coastal and marine environments that can benefit a multitude of industries and actions. Programs may also specialize in a certain area of marine sciences, some focusing primarily on safety and conservation, whereas others may seek to focus the most on resource management or sustainability. Students of maritime studies also have the added benefit when studying abroad since being exposed to more oceanic organisms and environments. Influences of journalism and reporting are also a large aspect of the learning curriculum in maritime studies, lending hand to a successful career of reporting the efforts and happenings of oceanic news.

Potential courses in maritime studies degrees may include but are not limited to the following:

  • Maritime Human Resource Management
  • Environmental Administration
  • Ocean Sustainability
  • Maritime Law & Policy
  • Shipping & Transport Management

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