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Study Behavioral Science Abroad

Behavioral science degrees encompass a wide range of topics pertaining to human behavior, spanning the fields of psychology, sociology, economics, and human resources, to name a few. The opportunity to study behavioral science abroad is, therefore, a big advantage to students who want to expand their horizons both personally and professionally.

You may be surprised to find that you can study behavioral science in the world. Imagine taking a break from class to explore the streets of Bosnia’s capital, Sarajevo. Or, see the canals and the art of Van Gogh between lectures, when you study a behavioral science degree in Amsterdam. No matter where you end up in the world, you will love taking your education to a whole new level in a brand-new city.

Behavioral science students studying abroad will love observing the behavior of people around the world and comparing it to their own experiences in their home country. Plus, along the way, you will make a whole new group of international friends and professional contacts that will continue to influence you for the rest of your life.

Best Behavioral Science Degrees

The best behavioral science schools will prepare students with a cross-disciplinary approach to the field, equipping students with the skills necessary to think critically and approach problems both analytically and creatively. A behavioral science degree will also involve an in-depth look at the scientific research process, requiring that students prove they have mastered the skills through their own research projects.

The typical day in the life of a behavioral science students often involves several lectures, seminars, and forums. However, there is also plenty of free time for both studying and pursuing extracurricular activities. Many of the best international universities offering behavioral science degrees also grant international students studying abroad the opportunity to participate in sports, language exchanges, and clubs, which is a great way to meet new people.

A degree from one of the best behavioral science schools is also bound to get you noticed after graduation when it’s time to look for jobs. Employers love candidates with study abroad experience, especially in a field that requires students to conduct research and think analytically about the world around them.

Behavioral Science Students Abroad

Careers in Behavioral Science

Careers in the field of behavioral science are abound. With a behavioral science degree, job seekers prove to employers that they can think critically, conduct research, and solve problems creatively.

  • Analyst
  • Careers in the field include:
  • Behavioral research scientist
  • School counselor
  • Human research specialist
  • Psychologist
  • Research assistant

Many students also pursue graduate education in the field of behavioral science in order to increase their future career prospective.

Prerequisites for a Degree in Behavioral Science

The best behavioral science schools will often require that prospective students have demonstrated they have previously performed well in their classes, especially classes within the sciences. Both undergraduate and graduate students will have to provide a copy of their academic transcripts, along with any standardized test results.

International students will also have to prove their English proficiency, as many behavioral science degrees are conducted entirely in English. If the program requires another language, you may also have to prove you have proficiency in a second language. An essay will also most likely be required to complete your application.


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