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Up until 2010, Sweden allowed both its citizens and international students from abroad to study for free. This policy changed in 2011, but the wide variety of study options available in English, particularly Masters Degree programs, are continuing to make education in Sweden an increasingly popular option.

Swedish universities are welcoming to international students from around the world wanting to undertake education in Sweden, with transfers being possible from one European school to another via the Bologna System. This education agreement makes university degrees compatible all over Europe as well as on a wider international basis (see below for more details).

The Bologna System in Sweden

The Swedish schooling system is regulated by the Bologna declaration. The Bologna process was initiated in 1999 when the Ministers of Education from 29 European countries signed the Bologna declaration in the Italian city of Bologna. The purpose of the process is to create educational standards for academic degrees and quality assurance. This allows for easy transfers between schools in different European countries and improves the overall quality of higher education in Sweden and other European countries. University credits are measured by the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).

Language in Sweden

The official language of Sweden is Swedish; however, English studies start at a young age and television shows and movies are texted, not dubbed, so Swedes are generally very good at English. Although it is not necessary to speak the Swedish language, it is helpful for those wanting to undertake more authentic study in Sweden and integrate into into Swedish society, and most schools offer language study courses.

Cost of Education in Sweden

Swedish higher education institutions do not charge tuition for Swedish citizens or citizens of other EU countries. As of 2011, international students from non-EU countries are charged tuition if they want to undertake education in Sweden. All students need to buy their own literature for their studies and should budget for about 800 SEK per month for this purpose. Living costs depend on where you study (bigger cities are generally more expensive) but are usually approximately 7000 SEK (€750) including rent.


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