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Many can trace back the first efforts of textile engineering back centuries. Materials that are used for clothing, shelter, and other aspects of one’s life are continuously manufactured around the world and distributed to millions. The efforts of the textile engineers also incorporates many functions and studies, such as chemistry, technology, and machinery. Industries such as fashion rely heavily on the core fundamentals of textile engineering to bring to bring ideas to life. A textiles degree incorporates the understanding of chemical and physical methods that are crucial to the processing and production of textile fibers and fabrics.

What can I do with a textiles degree?

A textiles degree is crucial to a career in R & D, dyeing, technical services, quality control and product development. Textile engineering also has a great influence on the fashion industry, seeing as though many concepts and designs are brought to fruition through the efforts of textile engineers. Many opportunities that textile engineers have in their field include experience in providing technical suggestions, design input, processing methods and evaluating fibres and fabrics for their desired purpose. A crucial point of responsibilities for textile engineers is to verify that the final product meets the pre-design concept and requirements like color and durability.

Many careers in textile engineering include but are not limited to the following:

  • Process Engineer
  • Quality and Control Supervisor
  • Medical Textiles Engineer
  • Process Improvement Engineer

Prerequisites for studying a textiles degree abroad: 

If you have an interest in learning how the millions of clothes, fabrics, and tools that we use on a daily basis are made, you should consider a studying a textiles degree abroad. The designated prerequisites for a course abroad will differ depending on the university as well as the specific course program that you wish to enroll in. Many bachelor’s programs might only have the prerequisite of a high school/grade 12 equivalent of prior studies, but an interest in the field something that can only offer greater success towards your studies.

master’s in textiles will have greater prerequisites compared to a bachelor’s. In many cases, a master’s degree will require you to have earned a bachelor’s degree in a related field of study and possibly more, but always be sure to check with the university/ institute you wish to study with.

What will I learn studying a textiles degree abroad?

The potential in your education while studying a textiles degree abroad are vast and offer a variety of influence. Many textile operations are held in India for example, and if choosing to study abroad, you could have a larger influence of knowledge from those who are most experienced in the trade of textiles. Textile engineering is also a work and trade that has developed over centuries, allowing for those who are now studying to learn from multiple methods, techniques and skills. Courses will also include first hand experiences, as well as understanding the core fundamentals of textiles and the methods that have evolved over the course of time around the globe.

Potential course topics may include the following:

Textile Fibre

Fabric Formation

Chemical Processing

Design and Structure

Computer Applications in Textiles

Textile Testing and Machinery

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